Native app vs web app - Which one is more secure?

January 19, 2022

Are you struggling to choose between a native app and a web app for your next project? One primary concern of most users is the security of their data and personal information when using an application. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between native apps and web apps, considering security. This will help you make an informed decision when choosing between the two.

Understanding Native and Web Apps

Native apps or mobile apps are applications developed specifically for a particular operating system and are installed on your device. Examples of native apps include Twitter, Gmail, and Facebook. On the other hand, web apps are applications that are accessible through web browsers and do not require installation. Examples of web apps include Google Docs and Facebook Messenger.

Security Comparison

When comparing security between native apps and web apps, several factors come into play. Below are some security features to consider when choosing between native and web apps.

Data Storage

Native apps have the advantage of storing data on your device's internal storage, making it harder for hackers to access stored data. Web apps, on the other hand, store data on remote servers that are controlled by the service provider, which makes them vulnerable to server-side attacks.

Vulnerability to Malware

Native apps are generally more secure than web apps, as they undergo stricter security checks before being approved on app stores. In contrast, web apps are more exposed to malware as they can be accessed by anyone with the URL.

Access to Hardware

Native apps have access to device hardware, which opens up more security risks. For instance, camera and microphone access could lead to private data exposure if not correctly implemented. Web apps, on the other hand, only have access to a limited set of hardware APIs.


Encryption is essential in ensuring secure communication between the server and the client. Most native apps use encryption, whereas only a few web apps use end-to-end encryption.

Update Frequency

Native apps generally have better security since they undergo frequent updates from app stores, fixing known vulnerabilities. Updates for web apps rely on the service provider, and slow updates may leave web apps vulnerable for an extended period.


In conclusion, both native and web apps have their unique security challenges that developers need to consider. However, native apps are generally considered more secure than web apps. Native apps have better data storage, undergo stricter security checks, and offer added features such as encryption.

Therefore, if security is a top priority, it is recommended to use native apps. However, it is essential to note that security measures should not be ignored when creating web apps.

Do you agree or disagree with our conclusion? Let us know in the comments section!


  1. Native Apps Vs Web Apps - Which One Wins The Battle?
  2. Native Apps vs. Web Apps: Which Is Right for Your Organization?
  3. The Ultimate Guide to Native Vs. Web App Development: Pros & Cons
  4. Security Risks and Advantages of Apps vs Dedicated Web Sites

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